The first inaugural collaboration of the upcoming Mobile Suit Gundam GQuuuuuuX series and film has been announced by the famous anime Studio Khara and Sunrise, the former celebrated for the ‘Rebuild of Evangelion’ film series. As reported by Animate Times, Mobile Suit Gundam GQuuuuuuX, the new television series was unveiled on December 4 during the Gundam Conference WINTER 2024.
The direction of the series is in the hands of Kazuya Tsurumaki who is quite famous for his work in ‘Rebuild of Evangelion’ and the series composition will be managed by Yoji Enokido who has made his contribution to several notable titles including Sailor Moon, Evangelion and Revolutionary Girl Utena, alongside Hideaki Anno who is the creator of Evangelion.
The mechanical design for the anime will be taken care of by Ikuto Yamashita, Yamashita is well-known for his work in Gunbuster and Evangelion. The new project is a major collaboration between Sunrise and Khara generating considerable anticipation. It is all set to make its debut as a restructured film version in around 373 theatres in Japan beginning on the 17th of January 2025.
The first trailer of the Mobile Suit Gundam GQuuuuuuX anime is out for the fans, and they can get their tickets for the film starting on December 13.
The official plot is about Amate Yuzuriha, a high school student living a tranquil life in a space colony. He comes across Nyan, a girl who is fleeing from war and becomes embroiled in the underground mobile suit dueling competition which is known as ‘Clan Battle’. Amate under the name of Machu pilots a GQuuuuuuX and engages in intense battles daily. The film will be distributed in Japan by Toho and Bandai Namco Filmworks with its extensive release in 373 theatres paralleling some of the prominent anime films released in recent years.
Olivia Rolls is a dynamic entertainment content writer with a strong interest in the Hollywood industry. Expert in uncovering the latest controversies about celebrities, latest trends, celebrity profiles, anime, and new releases. Olivia is a passionate writer with the ability to offer spicy and entertaining information about Hollywood. With years of experience, she has become a trusted voice in the entertainment field. Her article keeps readers entertained and informed about the cinema world.