The long-awaited Mecha-Ude: Mechanical Arms anime is set to release on 3 October 2024. Directed by Sae Okamoto and being animated under TriF Studios with series composition written by Yasuhiro Nakanishi, it was originally a Kickstarter campaign that raised $67,918 from October 2016 to November 2016.
In September 2022, it was announced that the project is set to premiere on screens and platforms, making it a world-premier anime. Now the final date of Mechanical Arms anime announced after the release of its trailer is 3 October 2024 at 24:30 JST (Japanese Standard Time).
In 2019, Mecha-Ude: Mechanical Arms began with a pilot episode, as the synopsis of the show goes like this:
“Hikaru Amatsuga a junior high schooler from Kita-Kagami City crosses his path with a mysterious Ude that is an arms-shaped machine named Alma. To obtain energy Alma tried to fuse himself with Hikaru but somehow combined with his hoodie. Out there is a corporation that turns Mecha-Ude into weapons called Kagami Group that is out there to hunt for Alma. Alma is being searched as well by “ARMS,” a group of Mecha-Ude who want to break free from the Kagami Group. Amidst this, Hikaru finds it difficult to leave Alma, who is unable to remember anything and chooses to put on the hoodie that will entangle him in the forthcoming epic battle between Mecha-Ude users.”
The show hasn’t revealed the voice actor behind Tsukihito, but surely we’ll get to know as the show progresses. The Crunchyroll will stream the anime and the title of the show would be Mechanical Arms.
Annette Polis is an extremely passionate content writer and editor in the anime and entertainment world. She is an expert at anime storytelling, and uncovering the secrets of Hollywood with experience of over 16 years. Annette is a lifelong fan of animated characters and always provides interesting information. She keeps herself updated about the latest episodes, upcoming anime, and manga to offer something new to readers.