Kevin Spacey Confesses Flying with Jeffrey Epstein, Bill Clinton, and a Group of ‘Young Girls’ in the Lolita Express

kevin spacey

The 64-year-old actor Kevin Spacey has admitted that he once traveled with controversial deceased sex offender Jeffrey Epstein, 

former US President Bill Clinton and a group of ‘young girls’ in the Lolita Express. 

In an interview with Piers Morgan on his controversial Uncensored program, he revealed that he met Epstein on a trip to Africa in 2002. It happened because of Clinton’s invitation to an eight-day humanitarian trip. 

The actor claimed, “It was primarily to raise awareness and prevention for AIDS, and particularly for mothers who had HIV to get the medication they needed to not pass it onto their children, so I said yes, absolutely.” 

Spacey Denies Friendship with Epstein

Kevin Spacey in Interview

Despite the revelation, veteran actor Kevin Spacey denied having any connection with Jeffrey Epstein. In the interview, he clarified, “I have since learned who he is and I have since been able to go back and find out that the airplane that we flew on for this humanitarian mission was owned by Jeffrey Epstein. I didn’t know him. I have never spent any time with him. I was with the Clinton Foundation people, that’s who I was with.”

Kevin added, “I didn’t want to be around this guy because I felt he put the president at risk on that trip to South Africa, because there were these young girls. We were like, ‘Who is this guy?’”

Kevin Spacey Confirms There Were Young Girls on the Flight 

When Morgan asked Spacey about the presence of young girls on the flight, he admitted it but didn’t provide any information about them. He replied, “There were young girls on those flights, yeah.”

He added, “There’s a big difference between not remembering that I met some guy and some woman on a humanitarian trip where my focus was entirely on what we were there to do, and not remembering whether I went to somebody’s island.” 

Kevin Spacey Clarification on Relationship with Jeffrey Epstein

Spacey also revealed that he went to the UK with Clinton because he was invited by former Prime Minister Tony Blair. “So, we flew then to London, and the president said to me, ‘Before we leave tomorrow, do you want to come? I am going to go to Buckingham Palace tomorrow to see Prince Andrew, do you want to come?’ I said, ‘Sure.’”

During this period, Kevin Spacey was shown sitting on the thrones at Buckingham Palace beside Ghislaine Maxwell, Epstein’s companion.

He clarified, “This Maxwell woman, she was one of many people to sit down next to me in that throne room. I have no relationship with her. I had no relationship with (Epstein). I mean he’s not my friend. I am not a confidant. I’ve never spent time with him.”

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