The popular rom-com anime Alya Sometimes Hides Her Feelings in Russian series also titled as Roshidere, has revealed English dub cast and crew members. The first two dubbed episodes have premiered on Crunchyroll. This Japanese anime series is based on the light novels by Sunsunsun and Momoco, debuted on July 3, and airs on 24 channels across Japan.
Watch the trailer of Alya Sometimes Hides Her Feelings in Russian anime series here:-
The novel was initially published online as two short stories on a self-publishing website in the year 2020. Since February 2021, the series has been published under the Kadokawa Sneaker Bunko imprint, after it was acquired by Kadokawa Shoten.
The English dub cast includes the following actors:-
Characters | Voice Actors |
Alya | Sarah Natochenny |
Masachika | Aaron Dismuke |
Yuki | Reshel Mae |
Mariya | Jill Harris |
Takeshi | Corey Wilder |
Hikaru | Joshua Waters |
Ando | Nick Huber |
Masachika | Erin Lundquist |
Mariya (Young) | Jill Harris |
Additional Voice(s) | Jim Jorgensen |
Here is the list of English dub crew members:-
Voice Director | Shawn Gann |
Producer | Susie Nixon |
Adaptation | Matthew Greenbaum |
Mixer | Matt Grounds |
Engineer | Jose Sandoval |
The Japanese series is directed by Ryota Ito (Shikimori’s Not Just a Cutie), who is also composing the series at studio Doga Kobo. Yuhei Murota (Love Live! Series) will be in charge of character design and chief animation director.
All the episodes are available for streaming on Crunchyroll, which describes the anime series as:-
“Alya is a transfer student enjoying popularity at her new high school, often sporting a cold shoulder while earning high marks in class. She ignores her nerdy classmate, Kuze Masachika, except for when she blurts out a flirtatious line to him in Russian. Little does she know, Kuze understands Russian, though he pretends not to. Let’s see where this wacky love story takes them!”
Annette Polis is an extremely passionate content writer and editor in the anime and entertainment world. She is an expert at anime storytelling, and uncovering the secrets of Hollywood with experience of over 16 years. Annette is a lifelong fan of animated characters and always provides interesting information. She keeps herself updated about the latest episodes, upcoming anime, and manga to offer something new to readers.